Thursday, December 3, 2020

Poor Mikey G

Poor Mikey G (not his real name). 

A sweet and kind man. He was  member of the cult for many years, but he recently surfaced on YouTube peddling his own COVID-19 hoax conspiracy theory in which (you'll like this) he is likening people who follow the science and wear masks to folks who are stuck in the darkness of Plato's Cave. (Sound familiar?) Hopefully YouTube will take this dangerous misinformation down, but I wanted to highlight it here. If you did watch it you might suffer flashbacks to being in "class." Mikey G uses much of the same terminology ("work terms") used in class and makes outrageously false claims, apparently to commercialize his services as some kind of health healer. (Sound familiar?) What's scarier is that he has a lot of followers who praise him for being brave and bucking conventional wisdom. My point here is not that I believe that poor Mikey G is possibly non copos mentis but he has no shame sharing this with the world and trying to profit by it. And for this I have no pity nor tolerance. Keep your mental illness to yourself - otherwise you are a sociopath. We have enough of this. And for this reason I am calling you out Mikey G. 

There are a couple of other folks out there who have started their own off-shoots of the cult. I dont want to name them because although they cause harm to others for their own profit, they aren't bothering me. Mikey G on the other hand has been sending me his kooky videos. When I told him to stop texting me because I thought his ideas (dont get tested, dont quarantine and dont wear a mask) are dangerous he told me, "Nothing is more Dangerous than the end of America and our Constitution  !!! Ask a Venezuelan who are eating their house pets to stay alive ! Nothing is more Dangerous than . . . microchips in everyone’s body."

Poor Mikey G.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020

Great Minds Think Alike

Sharon once admitted in "class" that she had done many things which had hurt many people. Then, without so much as catching her breath, she added, as though obvious and correct, "however, I have no regrets for anything." Sound familiar

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

To Current Students

As you know, School basically sucks. Classes are boring. The same old thing. Same old people. Same old same old. How about experimenting with something new? An adventure. A chance to learn about yourself. A chance to work with other people in a safe, sacred environment. If you want to be part of a something that is meaningful, something outside of life, something that is real, something that is special. . . I have the answer for you: Join a bowling league. 

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Sharon's Mask

Does she wear one? Now comes this article in Newsweek: "Narcissists and Psychopaths Are More Likely to Refuse to Wear Masks, Says New Research"

Friday, June 12, 2020

Greg who?

EnglishProphetJune 11, 2020 at 7:25 AM inquired: "Is there someone named Greg affiliated with this cult?"

Uh, yeah. Greg Koch. A longtime Gans toady, he's been a leader in the cult for many years. A former spouse of Minerva Taylor and lover of many women in the cult, he has a terrible temper. I have two memories of him. Late at night towards the end of "classes," he almost always rambled on incoherently about the 4th Way with the confidence of an expert. When Alex Horn was dying, he was one of his caretakers and explained to me and one other member that how washing Horn's ass was "quite lovely," giving new meaning to brown-nosing. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Social Distancing

I cant tell you how often I caught colds and the flu from being in class -- not less than three times annually. That's because of the policy that everyone attend no matter how ill they are -- indeed especially when ill. Even if the policy is relaxed during the next 3 years of this pandemic, do you really think School is a safe place what with being cramped in with this gathering bi-weekly indefinitely?